

In the 1980s Ghent’s music scene became internationally famous for — coincidentally or not — groups with an international line-up of musicians. Ghent singer-songwriter Sioen goes on a journey of (re)discovery, taking in the music cafés Damberd, Trefpunt and The Duke, where musicians from Ghana, Algeria and Latin-America wowed audiences in the 1980s. Follow Sioen through the city.

€ 5/audio-guide
on foot through the town centre
start and finish: MIAT

lasts: 90 minutes
available in Dutch/English

Audio-trails and route plans are available from MIAT (open Tue-Sun: 10.00-18.00).
€ 1 reduction when you show your ticket to the Géricault (MSK) and Straffe Gasten (MIAT) exhibitions and vice versa.

You can also download this audio-trail and route plan (€3.99):