celal kubat

celal kubat

After the death of their grandfather the Ghent-born (grand)children of Celal Kubat go in search of their legendary granddad. What led him to Ghent? What did he do when he got here? And how come everyone knows his name? A series of encounters takes them back to the Ghent of the 1960s and 70s.
€ 5/audio-guide
on foot through Muide, Tolhuis, Ham
start and finish: MIAT
lasts: 90 minutes
available in Dutch/Turkish

Audio-trails and route plans are available from MIAT (open Tue-Sun: 10.00-18.00).
€1 reduction when you show your ticket to the Géricault (MSK) and Straffe Gasten (MIAT) exhibitions and vice versa.

You can also download this audio-trail and route plan (€3.99):